

2022-09-15 栏目:唯美句子 

1、True mastery of any skill takes a lifetime、

2、I never think that ease and enjoyment are the original purpose of life、

3、Journey of a thousand miles begins with single step、

4、There is no royal road to learning、



7、What a man needs most is appreciated、

8、Adversity is the midwife of genius、

9、20, is it true that every relationship breaks down and feels that some things are very realistic?

10、The hardest thing is to leave you、、、the best thing is to get together again and miss you with all your heart、


12、Victory belongs to the most persevering、

13、43, the sky is blue, white clouds are like gauze, floating in the blue sky、



16、Nothing is impossible!

17、Being loved gives you strength, loving someone gives you courage、

18、The most beautiful and beautiful things in the world are invisible and intangible、They must be sensitive、

19、A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush、

20、Go for it! Just do it!

21、If you are doing your best,you will not have to worry about failure、

22、I am not afraid of tomorrow, because I have experienced yesterday and I love today、

23、The first step is as good as half over、

24、Love is the only thing that holds the dark at bay、

25、We all live in the past、We take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone、


27、14, you are not here, I also live very well, but this does not mean that you are not important、


29、19, lonely eyes are silent, when will I be brightly discovered, hiding in the dark corner of me、

30、A lazy youth, a lousy age、

31、Winners do what losers don't want to do、


33、When all else is lost the future still remains、

34、Love is a win-win game played by two people、


36、Failure is the mother of success、

37、When you are young, you may want several love experiences、But as time goes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the whole life will not be enough、You need time to know, to forgive and to love、All this needs a very big mind、

38、17, the door of success is often hidden、If you dare to push it, it will suddenly open、

39、If winter comes , can spring be far behind ?

40、Time is money、


42、I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although Ive no idea of who he is But I feel happy every day for this 、


44、34, life is like peeling onions、There is always one thing that makes people cry、

45、38, there is only one thing in the world that can always withstand the impact of life: a tranquil heart、

46、A man has two ears and one mouth that he may hear much and speak little、

47、Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains、

48、The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart、

49、24, the scorching sun is burning、The earth is like a steamer、It is too hot to breathe、

50、I dont think that when people grow up, they will become more broad-minded and can accept everything Conversely, I think its a selecting process, knowing whats the most important and whats the least And then be a simple man、

51、One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime、When you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherishthe people you love、


53、If the short cut to learning, it also must be diligent、

54、Sharp tools make good work、

55、50, in the field, a red glowing purple vetch, like a burning flame、

56、Bad times make a good man、

57、Courage is the ladder on which other virtues climb、


59、Youth means limitless possibilities、

60、27, I suddenly want to kiss you in a whim, but I only kiss the air、

61、The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great man、

62、You do not love her because of her beauty, but she is beautiful because of your love、

63、47, there is no such a person, you say a lot of time to give up, but after all, still reluctant to、

64、Love is not obtained by gazing at each other, but can be produced by looking in the same direction、This is the lesson life teaches us、

65、Every noble work is at first impossible、

66、The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today 、

67、A positive attitude may not think time and effort spent on the little things、




71、18, peace is luck, contentment is bliss, clear heart is Lu, and few desires are longevity、

72、37, when the breeze is passing, there is a faint fragrance, like a faint song on the distant tower、

73、28, I am very surprised that the river is green and green、

74、Instead of cursing the darkness, it is better to light a candle、


76、No matter how far apart we are, my thoughts are always by your side、Miss you!

77、15, I have done the bravest thing is to smile and listen to people say you and her love、


79、16, I used to cry when I was sad, happy to laugh, but now I always smile and weep、


81、Our greatest glory consists not in never falling but in rising every time we fall、

82、41, gradually, the disabled star closed his sleepy eyes and disappeared in the morning air、


84、Dont cry because it is over, smile because it happened、


86、I know that my future is not just a dream、

87、Pursue your object, be it what it will, steadily and indefatigably、




91、A girl because she had no shoes to cry, until she saw a man who had no feet、

92、In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no company, no ownership nor love Just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years、


94、21, in the evening of every starry night, count my loneliness again and again、

95、46, I like dandelion, like her willing to be lonely, willing to be ordinary、

96、I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards、

97、33, just like old love, one day always forget, at first thought that love died、

98、25, a person's happiness is not because he has more, but because he cares less、


100、Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere Friend is who can give you strength at last 、

101、48, the round moon, like a jade plate, is studded with stars、



104、If you leave me, please don't comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain、

105、22, forget is not betrayal, but temporarily stored in another place、

106、30, we always practice smiling, and finally become people who dare not cry、

107、I will greet this day with love in my heart、

108、44, we have been looking for and finding the ending that we all have、

109、39, rather than repel the fact that has already become, it is better to accept it voluntarily、


111、Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people、

112、Suffering is the most powerful teacher of life、

113、The good seaman is known in bad weather、

114、For man is man and master of his fate、

115、Time is a bird for ever on the wing、

116、The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today、

117、23, tears shed more bright eyes, dripping blood hearts stronger!

118、45, in the silhouette of time, how many meetings have been warm, and how many parting have been melancholy、

119、Only love can awaken love!

120、If you do not learn to think when you are young, you may never learn、

121、31, nothing is forever, and nothing will be long、Find an excuse, who can go first、

122、Where there is a will, there is a way、有志者事竟成。




126、Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in ones hand Its about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someones love when you need love、

127、13, parting is a walk, a stay, a walk can not compare with the pain left、

128、26, the person who can not find the right person, in fact, may be, can not change the wrong self、

129、Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud、

130、A man's best friends are his ten fingers、

131、40, when they are past, the most embarrassing thing is that everything is clear as yesterday、

132、Never a negative acknowledge why it is impossible、


134、35, no matter when you start, the important thing is not to stop after starting、

135、A man is only as good as what he loves、

136、32, faith is to men, wings are to birds, faith is the wings of flight、

137、42, the best happiness is not for you、The best time is not spent with you、

138、Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to、

139、If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down,its called burden-bearing、Pitifully, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love、

140、When falling in love, some people lose their heads, while others lose their hearts、

141、36, autumn with a golden yellow, light footsteps, quietly came to the world、

142、Do one thing at a time, and do well、

143、The world is like a mirror: Frown at itand it frowns at you; smile, and it smiles too、

144、Happiness is good health and bad memory、

145、I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you、

146、A man is only as good as what he loves、

147、The value of life is not how many days we can live, but how we use these days、

148、29, I want to make you happy, but I can't stay with you、


150、49, that winter, that cold, frozen people's nose, headache, feet like two pieces of ice、



