

2022-10-11 栏目:短句大全 


1、I used to spend so much time on computer games that I lost interest in study、我以前在电脑游戏上花费了很多时间以至于我在学习上失去了兴趣。

2、I think it’s better to recycle waste paper instead of throwing it away、我认为回收废纸取代扔掉它更好。

3、I heard her sing by accident、我偶然听见她唱歌了。

4、I usually start to study as soon as I wake up、我通常一醒来就开始学习。

5、There're three books on the table、桌子上有三本书。

6、As long as you keep on studying hard, you will catch up with others、只要你继续努力学习,你会赶上别人的。

7、After all, the kid is too young to go to school、毕竟,这个孩子太小还不能上学。

8、I wasnot afraid of the dark any more from then on、从那以后我不再害怕黑暗了。

9、My grandmother used to tell me the story over and over again、我奶奶以前反反复复给我讲过这个故事。

10、Your bill comes to forty dollars、你的帐单共计40美元。

11、My brother likes running as well、我哥哥也喜欢跑步。

12、It’s time to set them free、该释放他们的时间了。

13、I got through the phone to tell you that I got through the test、我通过电话告诉你我通过了测试。

14、Please make the light go out when you go out、你出去时,请把灯灭了。

15、We used to live on vegetables and rice、我们过去以蔬菜和米饭为主食。

16、Would you mind my trying on this coat?我试穿一下这件外套你介意吗?

17、It’s necessary to do some cleaning every day、每天做扫除很必要。

18、We can take our time to get ready for the test、我们可以从容地为考试做准备。


1、He doesn't think I should stop him joining the club、他认为我不应该阻止他参加这个俱乐部。

2、She used to earn her living on selling books、她过去靠卖书为生。

3、We have to deal with all kinds of problems in our daily life、在日常生活中,我们不得不处理各种问题。

4、She always makes a face as soon as she sees me、她总是一见到我就做鬼脸。

5、The more one has,the more one wants、越有越贪。

6、So far as I know, he is not only a teacher but also a writer、就我所知,他不但是老师还是作家。

7、The Great Wall is 6700 kilometers long in all、长城总计6700公里长。

8、Take it easy! I will help you with English、别紧张,我会帮你学英语的。

9、It’s time for me to be on duty、该我值日了。

10、That’s all right、没关系!

11、I enjoy living in peace、我乐于和平地生活。

12、Please help yourself to some fish、请随便吃些鱼。

13、At that moment, I was so upset that I wanted to give up、当时,我非常伤心,最后都想放弃了。

14、As soon as I see him,I’ll give him the message、我一见到他,我就把你的消息告诉他。

15、My sister is as good at singing as I、我姐姐和我一样擅长唱歌。

16、He often has a cold、他经常得感冒。

17、Let’s go for a walk if you feel like going out、如果你想出去,咱们去散步吧!

18、I have a good time every day、我每天都过得很愉快。


1、In other words, health is everything、换句话说,健康就是一切。

2、There is a shop between the hospital and the school、在那家医院和那所学校之间有一家商店。

3、He let out the water、他把水放了。

4、It took thousands of people a few years to build the bridge、建这座桥花了几千人几年时间。

5、My grandma tells the story to me again and again、我奶奶反反复复给我讲过这个故事。

6、I do my best to get up on time every day、我每天尽力按时起床。

7、We have only so little time that we have to study day and night、我们仅有很少的时间了,以至于我们不得不日夜学习。

8、I was late for school because the bus broke down、我上学迟到了因为公共汽车坏了。

9、He keeps studying hard, as a result, he has made great progress、他坚持努力学习,结果他取得了很大进步。

10、America used to send up many spaceships、美国过去发射过许多宇宙飞船。

11、This computer takes up too much space、这台电脑占据了太多空间。

12、A traffic accident took place yesterday、昨天发生了一起交通事故。

13、My mother bought a few books for me yesterday、我妈妈昨天给我买了几本书。

14、I would like to regard you as my friend、我愿意把你当成我的朋友。

15、You must hand in the exercise books on time and hand them out in time、你必须按时上交练习册,并且及时分发下去。

16、It’s good for the environment to keep off the grass、勿踩草坪对环境来说是有好处的。

17、It’s wasteful to throw away these boxes、扔掉这些箱子是很浪费的。

18、You either stay at home or go to school、你要么呆在家里要么去上学。


1、Don’t hang up! I would like to tell you something important、别挂断电话!我想告诉你重要的事情。

2、I used to give away some old books to the hope school、我过去常把一些旧书捐给了希望学校。

3、It’s very dangerous to get close to the tiger、靠近老虎是很危险的。

4、Why don’t you hand in your homework on time?你为什么不按时交作业?

5、Our teacher told us a piece of good news this morning、今天上午我们老师告诉过我们一则好消息。

6、Playing computer games takes up a lot of time every day、每天玩电脑游戏占用许多时间。

7、I am glad to hear from you、我很高兴收到你的来信。

8、I am used to going for a walk after supper、我习惯于晚饭后去散步。

9、I have kept studying English for ten years so far、到目前为止,我已坚持学习英语10年了。

10、We are going to set out in the morning、我们打算早上出发。

11、I am glad that I can save your life、我很高兴我能挽救你的生命。

12、I saw him looking for something just now、我刚才看见他在找东西。

13、I heard her sing just now、我刚才听见她唱歌了。

14、Will you please turn down the radio?请你把收音机调低一点好吗?

15、I think art is less important than music、我认为艺术不如音乐重要。

16、We should learn from each other、我们应该互相学习。

17、I enjoy playing both tennis and football、我既喜欢打网球又喜欢踢足球。

18、The more one has,the more one wants、拥有的越多,想要的越多。


1、This afternoon I’m going to buy a Qisu English book、今天下午我要去买本奇速英语书。

2、My father gives me a bit of money every day、我父亲每天都给我一点钱。

3、He was so excited that he told me the good news out of breath、他很激动,上气不接下气地告诉我这个好消息。

4、I often see him go to school in a hurry、我经常看见他匆匆忙忙的去上学。

5、Don’t give up your hope、别放弃你的希望。

6、We are busy looking into the matter、我们忙于调查此事。

7、The baby cried harder and harder、那孩子哭得越来越厉害。

8、I always compare sleep to death、我总是把睡觉与死亡比较。

9、My home isn’t far from the school、我家离学校不远。

10、In fact, I told him how to send emails to others、实际上,我告诉过他怎样给别人发电子邮件。

11、You have two choices, one is to get back, the other is to get away、你有两个选择:一是回去,另一个是逃走。

12、I am busy studying as soon as I arrive at the school、我一到学校就忙于学习。

13、What's wrong with your telephone?你的手机有什么毛病?

14、How about listening once more?再听一遍怎么样?

15、You had better put on your coat、你最好穿上你的外套。

16、In order to make my dream come true, I have to keep studying hard、为了使我的梦想实现,我不得不坚持努力学习。

17、It’s time to make up our mind to study hard、是该下定决心努力学习的时候了。

18、The harder you study, the better you will learn、你学习越努力,你就会学得越好。


1、There is something wrong with my car, so I can’t speed up、我的车有点毛病,因此我不能加速。

2、I congratulate you on your great progress、我恭喜你取得很大进步。

3、Could you please pass me a little water?请你递给我一点儿水好吗?

4、Welcome back to school!欢迎回到学校!

5、You either run away or give in、你要么逃跑要么投降。

6、Don’t stay in the hotel until you check in、直到你登记了才可以住旅馆。

7、Come on! Let’s go shopping、赶快!咱们去购物。

8、Our teacher told us to pay attention to the blackboard in class、我们老师叫我们上课要注意黑板。

9、Could you please pass me the balls one after another?请你一个一个的递给我球好吗?



