年轻的教宗 台词,裘德·洛主演电视剧《年轻的教宗》语录和台词大全(10句)
1、God,my conscience does not accuse me,神啊,我的良知从未指责我。because you do not believe I am capable of repenting.是因为你不相信我会悔过。And therefore,I do not believe in you.因此,我也不相信你。I don"t believe you are capable of saving me from myself.我不相信你能将我救赎。
3、Friendly relationships are dangerous.亲近关系是危险的。
4、I wouldn’t need to hide anything in the gaps in my house.我并不需要在我屋子里藏些什么。Because my mind is a gap.因为我的心便是一道缝隙。That everything that is hidden from me, sooner or later, is revealed.所有东西都藏在我的心里,迟早,会被暴露。As if it were being entrusted to me.就好像一切都委托于我一样。It’s not skill, it’s my destiny.这不是技巧,这是我的天命。
5、Absence is presence.无即是有。
6、Friendly relationships are dangerous.They lend themselves to ambiguities,misunderstandings,and conflicts,and they always end badly.Formal relationships,on the other hand,are as clear as spring water.Their rules are carved in s
8、You"re so young and yet you have such old ideas.您如此年轻,却有着如此苍老的思想。