

2023-01-17 栏目:励志句子  


1、Tomb Raider 2 《古墓丽影》2— The lady returns.

2、Final Fantasy 《最终幻想》— Truth in every dream.

3、Keeping the faith(一如既往): if you have to believe in something, you might as well believe in love

4、Legends of the fall(秋日传奇): after the fall of innocence, the legend begins

5、Gladiator 《角斗士》— A hero will rise.

6、Jarhead(锅盖头): welcome to the suck

7、Jeepers Creepers 《惊心食人族》— What's eating you?

8、Ice Age 《冰河世纪》— Ice Age is coming.

9、Lost in Translation 《迷失东京》— Everyone wants to be found.

10、Knowing(先知): what happens when the numbers run out?

11、Showtime 《作秀时刻》— Lights、Camera、Aggravation.

12、Corpse bride(僵尸新娘): there’s been a great misunderstanding Crash(撞车): live your life at the point of impact

13、The Mask 《变相怪杰》— From zero to hero.

14、Closer(偷心): if you believe in love at first sight, you never stop looking

15、Terminator 3 《终结者》3 — Rise of the machines.

16、Dreamgirls(梦女孩): all you have to do is dream


1、再接再厉 比(卧卧底)更爆话题!——《同门》

2、Hannibal 《汉尼巴尔》— Break the silence.

3、Leon(这个杀手不太冷): he moves without sound, kills without emotion, disappears without trace

4、Scary Movie 《惊声尖叫》— More merciless、More shameless.

5、Despredo(杀人三部曲): he came back to settle the score with someone, anyone, everyone

6、Jumper(心灵传输者): anywhere is possible

7、Simone 《西蒙尼》— A star is created.

8、Flags of our fathers(父辈的旗帜): a single shot can end a war

9、The Ninth Gate《第九鬼门关》— Leave the unknown alone、风声过后世间再无传奇——《风声》



