

2023-04-02 栏目:短句大全 


1、The walls have ears!隔墙有耳!

2、Stop overlooking the beauty of small moments、不要低估了细微时刻的美妙之处。

3、Do not teach fish to swim、不要班门弄斧。

4、Stop being scared to make a mistake、不要害怕犯错。

5、Stop trying to hold onto the past、不要总是攥着过去。

6、You don' t say so、不至于这样吧。

7、Man proposes, God disposes、谋事在人,成事在天。

8、Stop trying to be someone you’re not、不要强迫自己成为理想的别人。

9、The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart、世界上对勇气的最大考验是忍受失败而不丧失信心。

10、All time is no time when it is past、机不可失,时不再来。

11、Stop exclusively looking to others for happiness、不要幻想通过其他人来获得幸福。

12、Use legs and have legs、经常用腿,健步如飞。

13、Let’ s change the subject!换个话题吧!

14、Back in a moment!马上回来!

15、Gild the lily、画蛇添足。

16、At any rate, the separation ratio is accurate、无论如何,这个分离比是精确的。

17、Stop complaining and feeling sorry for yourself、停止抱怨和内疚。

18、He that promises too much means nothing、轻诺者寡信。


1、Il! check it out!我去查查看!

2、Don' t fall for it!别上当!

3、What do you think?你怎么认为?

4、Im On your side、我全力支持你。

5、It' s no big deal!没什么大不了的!

6、Yes, I suppose So、是,我也这么认为。

7、My mouth is watering!我要流口水了!

8、Don' t be so childish、别这么孩子气。

9、Make up your mind、做个决定吧。

10、Doubt is the key to knowledge、怀疑是知识的钥匙。

11、Don't be so modest、别谦虚了。

12、She swears to wear the pearls that appear to be pears、她发誓要戴那些看起来像梨子的珍珠。

13、I love this game、我钟爱这项运动。

14、So far, so good!还过得去!

15、Don't let me down、别让我失望。

16、It' s worth a try!值得一试!

17、He is a smart boy、他是个小机灵鬼。

18、Dinner is on me、晚饭我请。


1、What day is today?今天星期几?

2、I learn that learned earnest men earn much by learning、我得知有学问而认真的人靠学问挣很多钱。

3、It kills my eyes!太美了,靓瞎了我的眼睛。

4、Life is a span、人生如朝露。

5、He is ill in bed、他卧病在床。

6、Practice makes perfect、熟能生巧。

7、Never hit a man when he is down、不要落井下石。

8、He can hardly speak、他几乎说不出话来。

9、Clothes make the man、人要衣装。

10、This boy has no job、这个男孩没有工作。

11、One is never too old to learn、活到老,学到老。

12、Well, it depends、噢,这得看情况。

13、A common danger causes common action、同舟共济。

14、Who's kicking off?现在是谁在开球?

15、You are just in time、你来得正是时候。

16、There comes a bus、汽车来了。

17、Wealth is the test of a man's character、财富是对一个人品格的试金石。

18、A young idler, an old beggar、少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。


1、Come to the point!有话直说!

2、Stop trying to compete against everyone else、不要总是和别人竞争。

3、Don't give me that、少来这套。

4、Life is but a hard and tortuous journey、人生即是一段艰难曲折的旅程,人生无坦途。

5、I paced in the peaceful spacecraft、我在宁静的宇宙飞船里踱步。

6、Life would be too smooth if it had no rubs in it、生活若无波折险阻,就会过于平淡无奇。

7、How are you recently?最近怎么样?

8、Stop blaming others for your troubles、不要将自己的麻烦归咎给别人。

9、I can't follow you、我不懂你说。

10、Merry meet, merry part、好聚好散。

11、Poverty is stranger to industry、勤劳之人不受穷。

12、He who has an art has everywhere a part、一招鲜,吃遍天。

13、Behind the mountains there are people to be found、天外有天,山外有山。

14、What is done cannot be undone、覆水难收。

15、To be both a speaker of words and a doer of deeds、既当演说家,又做实干家。

16、The heart is seen in wine、酒后吐真言。

17、A man is only as good as what he loves、一个人要用他所爱的东西有多好来衡量。

18、It is growing cool、天气渐渐凉爽起来。


1、The wealth of the mind is the only wealth、精神的财富是唯一的财富。

2、Sense comes with age、老马识途。

3、One never lose anything by politeness、讲礼貌不吃亏。

4、A guest should suit the convenience of the host、客随主便。

5、f see to it、!我会留意的!

6、Come on, be reasonable、嗨,理智一点。

7、I'll see you at six、我六点钟见你。



