

2023-07-10 栏目:短句大全 


1、That was cruel.实际太惨忍了。

2、The past is the history、The present is past、The future is now.以往是历史时间,现在是以往,将来是如今。

3、Defend this family, as they have you.请守护这一家人,好似她们守护你们一般。

4、The trouble with loyalty to a cause is that cause will always betray you.效忠的实质问题便是:那个你效忠的目标,终究早晚都是会叛变你的。

5、That’s not happening ever.这事情始终不太可能,别再想了。

6、You see what happens from being a wiseass.这就是自以为是的结局。

7、The legend exists.热血传奇这东西,他确实或是普遍存在的。

8、Human beings, bunch of backstabbin’ weasels.人类只能在后面捅你一刀。

9、You have no soul.你压根没有灵魂。

10、I knew you’d make it、I never doubted.我就知道你能来,我从来不猜疑。

11、Human freedom is at stake.人类的随意正摇摇欲坠。

12、I’m asking you to look at all the junk and see the treasure.在垃圾池中发觉藏宝。

13、Whenever you look to the stars, think of one of them as my soul.如果你仰头凝望星空,请把在其中的一颗星星,作为我的灵魂。

14、Whole things worked out good for me.这結果对于我来讲是好的。

15、Then stay under there and shut up.那你就把嘴闭上。

16、Innocent people dye all the time.总是会有无辜的人放弃,常常有的。

17、They built you to do what you were told.她们造你就是想要你听命做事。

18、I’m gonna die trying.我死都需要去。


1、I’m seriously pissed we’re not getting paid for this.拿不出钱确实令我很难受。

2、I can’t argue with that, kid.这一点我无话可说。

3、Without it, you wouldn’t be there.不犯错,也不会有今日。

4、We got a real dilemma here, okay?现在我左右为难。

5、We don’t need you anymore.大家不用你们了。

6、Let’s try to use violence as a last resort.战斗力是最终的方式。

7、loyalty is but a flower in the winds of fear and temptation.忠实如同一朵敏感得话,处于害怕和引诱的暴风中。

8、It’s just impossible sometimes.有时一点方法也没有。

9、You dumb, greedy bastards just brought extinction to yourself.你们这种贪欲的蠢材,真的是自取灭亡。

10、Are we safer on our own, or are we safer with them?依靠自己或是靠她们更安全可靠呢?

11、We’re not going down without a fight.我们不能掉以轻心。

12、You defend my family, or die.你要不挑选维护我的父母,要不就***。

13、Humans have asked us to play by their rules、Well, the rules have just changed.人类规定大家遵循她们的游戏的规则。但如今标准发生变化。

14、You’re welcome to leave anytime.你要走没有人会拦你。

15、Honor to the end.殊荣到最后一刻。

16、They’re ruining everything.她们这也是要摧毁我的一切。

17、Because if we don’t do it, somebody else will.由于即使大家不做,他人也会做。

18、You have no idea what you’re involved with here.这里的事如同没产生过。


1、You want to come clean or you want me to take a mess?就是你来文的,或是我武的?

2、Do whatever you have to do.虽然放手去做。

3、What do you think being human means? That’s what we are、We make mistakes、But sometimes out of those mistakes come the most amazing things.你觉得人类多杰出?人就这样,大家自然会犯错,但有时在这种不正确中间,会问世美好事物。

4、Defend all they can be.守护他们,守护她们的将来。

5、You just want to die for the guy.你就是心甘情愿为他***。

6、I’m literally gonna kill you.我一定并不会放了你。

7、You wanna cut and run, you better do it now.你要畏手畏脚就尽早吧。

8、I can’t believe I’m putting my life in your hands.我居然把生命交到你储存了。

9、Only together can we survive!仅有团结一致一起,大家才可以存活出来。

10、You don’t see who’s controlling who.你们都不清楚到底是谁在操纵谁。



