

2024-06-05 栏目:唯美短句 


1、The clerk helped me find what I wanted、店员帮我找到了我所要买的东西。

2、A: I need to buy some flowers for my wife、我需要给我的妻子买些花。

3、In a shopping mall,the digital products section attracts me most, since I'm keen on this kind of stuff、


5、Mangoes、 What are they?芒果。那是什么?

6、I love shopping,and The shopping mall is definitely my first choice、

7、Most of them in this store are from Mexico、这个店里面的都是出产于墨西哥。

8、What size shoes do you wear?你穿几号鞋?


10、Can you eat the nut?那个核能吃吗?

11、This dress is made of silk, isn' it?这件衣服是绸做的,对不对?

12、A: No, thank you、不用了,谢谢。

13、I'm looking for some fresh produce that's on sale、我们在找一些特价并且新鲜的食物。

14、What's the price of that electric iron?那种电熨斗卖多少钱?

15、A: I like the sound of that、这个价钱还不错。

16、How much do I owe you?一共多少钱?

17、B: Yes, that is today's sale price、是的,这是今天的折扣后的价。

18、Is this toothpaste on sale today?这种牙膏今天减价出售吗?

19、That's a beautiful leather wallet, but it costs too much、那只皮夹很漂亮,但价钱太贵了。

20、How much is this rug?这条地毯多少钱?

21、How much are they?怎么卖的?

22、They're like a citrus fruit、它们和柑橘类的水果有些像。

23、That will be eighteen dollars and seventy-five cents、十八美元七十五美分。

24、It means that we can buy anything we want in just one place、

25、B: They're only $20 a dozen、一打只要20美元。

26、What does a mango taste like?芒果是什么味道的?




1、That suit looks very good on you、那套衣服你穿很合适。

2、A: A dozen will be fine、一打就可以了。

3、As a matter of fact,shopping malls have bee increasingly popular because they offer one-stop shopping、

4、If this shirt doesn't fit, may I bring it back later?如果这件衬衣不合身,我回头可以把它退了吗?

5、B: These roses should make your wife very happy、相信你的妻子一定会喜欢这些玫瑰花的。

6、A: What would the roses cost me?玫瑰花怎么卖的?

7、I'm interested in buying a new car、我很想买一辆新轿车。

8、B: Is there anything else you'd like to get?还需要点什么其它的吗?

9、You can buy them hard、 Wait a few days for them to develop a soft feel、你可以先买一些摸上去很硬的。然后等几天就会变软了。

10、Where do they e from?它们产自于哪里?

11、Well, the sale price is $1 each、嗯,特价是一美元一个。

12、Do you have change for a twenty-dollar bill?你能换开一张二十元的钞票吗?

13、No, you peel off the skin and throw out the nut、不能,吃的时候把皮剥掉然后把核扔掉。


15、Well, we just got in some mangoes、嗯,我们刚刚进了一些芒果。

16、I'd like to try on this sweater、我想试试这件毛衣。

17、Well, it's a fruit with a big nut in it、嗯,就是一种中间有核的水果。

18、I'm going shopping because I need to buy some clothes、去买东西,因为我需要买几件衣服。

19、B: Perhaps you'd be interested in red roses、也许你会对红玫瑰感兴趣。

20、How do I know if it's ripe?我怎么知道它是熟的呢?



