

2022-08-10 栏目:短句大全 

1、"Who can doubt the commitment of such a promising young cadet?"“

2、There are some things far more frightening than death、

3、Stormtrooper: I will tighten these restraints, scavenger scum!

4、Rey: You will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open、

5、That's no moon、

6、Rey: You will drop your gun、

7、die Jedi ! Die!

8、"This fierce machine which you have built, to which you have dedicated your lives and labor and upon which we now stand, will bring a final end to the worthless Senate and its dithering members、 To their cherished fleet、 When this day is done, all the remaining systems in their hundreds will bow to the dictates of the First Order、 And all will remember this as the last day of the last Republic!"

9、Rey: You will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open、

10、Do , or do not , there is no try、

11、It's a trap、

12、Finn: Ok, stay calm… stay calm…

13、Luke Skywalker: The Force is strong in my family、 My father has it、 I have it、 My sister has it、 You have that power, too、

14、Intensify forward firepower、

15、Finn: I was talking to myself、

16、May the force be with you、

17、Fear leads to anger、

18、I am your father、

19、Rey: You will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open、

20、Finn: Because it's the right thing to do、

21、Finn: What should we do with her?

22、Leia: You know, as much as we fought, I always hated it whenyou left、

23、Leia: Rey, may the force be with you、

24、Han Solo: I've got a bad feeling about this、

25、Han Solo: Chewie, we're home、

26、Anger leads to hate、

27、Stormtrooper: What did you say?



30、Fear is the path to the darkside、

31、Live long and prosper、


33、Finn: Can you fly a TIE Fighter?

34、 All of it、 The Dark Side, the Jedi、 They're real、

35、Leia: I do miss you、

36、Rey: There are stories about what happened、

37、noooooooo no that's not true that's impossible、

38、Leia: Hope is not lost today… it is found、

39、Poe Dameron: …You need a pilot、

40、Anakin you are breaking my heart、

41、The darkside…and the light、

42、Finn: We'll figure it out, we'll use the Force!

43、Han Solo: That's why I did it, so that you'd miss me、

44、Poe Dameron: I can fly anything、

45、Finn: I need a pilot、

46、Han Solo: That's not how the Force works!

47、Rey: You… you're afraid… that you will never be as strong as Darth Vader!

48、"At last, a fight that might be worthy of my time、"

49、Stormtrooper: And I'll drop my gun、

50、Poe Dameron: Why are you helping me?

51、Stormtrooper: I will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open、

52、I don't like sand、

53、Han Solo: Is there a gabage chute… or trash compactor?

54、Hate leads to suffering、



